Press release

E.g., 03/04/2025
E.g., 03/04/2025
10 million people in Democratic Republic of Congo urgently need aid amidst increased violence

Renewed violent clashes involving non-state armed groups have exacerbated the hunger and protection crises in the Democratic Republic of Congo, leaving 10 million people in urgent need of humanitarian assistance,...

One in five people in drought-stricken East Africa – a total of 33.5 million people across Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia – don't have enough safe drinking water. Failed rain is predicted to persist for a sixth consecutive season by May, making this the longest drought on record.  ...

Kidic Simon is a mother of five was displaced by intercommunal violence and now she depends entirely on Humanitarian assistance. Oxfam office in Pibor supports vulnerable individuals with an unconditional cash grant and food assistance.

As the government in South Sudan enters into the extended period of the implementation of the Peace Agreement and the expiry of the mandate of UNMISS, Oxfam is calling on all political actors to take a bold stance against violence, displacement and actions that undermine people...

Oxfam in Somali Drought Response

In reaction to the 2023 Somalia Humanitarian Response Plan released today  8 February 2023, stating that nearly half the population - or 8.3 million people - are in urgent need of humanitarian assistance, of which over 700,000 are facing a looming famine, Oxfam Country Director in Somalia,...

Increased flooding in South Sudan threatens to deepen the dire hunger crisis, with an estimated 8.3 million people expected to experience severe food insecurity in the coming months. 

Just weeks after devastating floodwaters finally receded across...

Displaced women arrive at Pibor town after fleeing intercommunal violence in Verteth. Photo by Dominic Kango

Juba, South Sudan, May 21, 2021 - Oxfam in South Sudan voices its concerns over the recent inter-communal violence reported in Greater Pibor Administrative (GPAA) that is causing heightened tensions and displacements of vulnerable populations and restriction on the movement of...

Oxfam security focal point in Pibor warning the driver and staff about the dangerous road and insecurity ahead of the distribution centre.  Photo: Dominic Kango Oxfam

Reacting to the increasing threats and incidents of aggression against aid workers across South Sudan, Juliet Moriku Balikowa, Oxfam South Sudan Deputy Country Director said:

“As Oxfam, we are concerned particularly as we celebrate International Labor Day that aid workers continue to be...

Young school girl helps her mother fetch water  during lock-down in Lankien. Photo by Dominic Kango

As we celebrate the women in our lives, the women in South Sudan have done so much that they really need to be celebrated. They are the architect of the current Revitalised Peace Agreement that shows a roadmap to reform in South Sudan. Oxfam in line with the global theme #choose to challenge...

Ethiopia, Dedevit village, Tigray. Photo by Petterik Wiggers / Panos for Oxfam America

The conflict in Tigray compounded by climate-fuelled locust infestations and coronavirus has left millions of people in desperate need of humanitarian aid yet access to those affected continues to be restricted, warned Oxfam today.

Recent Oxfam assessments in South and West Tigray, as...

Photo by Abdiaziz Adani/Oxfam

Over 50 million people are in need of immediate food assistance in the Horn East and Central Africa, with numbers expected to rise as the region braces for harsh, climate fuelled La Niña conditions, said...

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