Accountability and Safeguarding

We are committed to being open about our work and to be accountable to the communities we work with, as well as to our partners, staff, donors, and supporters. We believe our legitimacy to ask for and expect accountability from others comes from being accountable and transparent ourselves.
Through various reports, we feedback to the communities we work with, partners as well as the general public on how our financial resources have been used to change people's lives.
All of our work is regularly audited, internally and externally by experienced agencies/firms, including the work we do together with partners. Our financial year runs from 1 April – 31 March.
Our main donors include the European Union, UK's Department for International Development, the Swedish International Development Agency, the US Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance, the UN, governments and the general public through appeals. We also raise funds jointly with consortiums of like-minded agencies, foundations, and contractors.
Safeguarding Policies and Procedures at Oxfam
At Oxfam, we are committed to zero tolerance of sexual harassment, exploitation, and abuse in our organization. This means that we will do everything in our power to prevent these from happening, and rigorously address it each and every time it happens.
To access our Code of Conduct, safeguarding policies and procedures, and confidential whistleblowing lines visit Oxfam's International website.