Frequently Asked Questions

Former child soldiers in South Sudan learning how to read and write. OXFAM

Where can I find more information on Oxfam's work in the region?

Our stories, press materials, and policy papers will give you more insight into what we do in the ten countries that we work in. For more detailed partner and project information, please visit the Where We Are section of our website.

If you are also interested in what Oxfam is doing globally, our international website has more details. 

Where can I find any Oxfam research material and any other publications in the region?

Please look at our latest publications for any research reports and other detailed program documents.

Where can I find more information about Oxfam's work in the region?

Visit our Where We Work page and see some of the work that we do in the ten countries. You can also visit our international website to find out more what we do across the globe.

How can I work for Oxfam?

We publicize any job opportunities through regional and local newspapers as well as on our website. Keep an eye out on Facebook and Twitter to see the latest openings.

How can I raise a complaint? 

Oxfam is an accountable and transparent rights-based organization. We believe that you have the right to raise a complaint and receive a response in a timely manner. All formal complaints should be made in writing either directly from the individual or organization making the complaint or via someone acting on their behalf. All complaints will be handled on a confidential basis if requested by the complainant or, as the case calls for it, have a trusted third party. This will be decided on a case-by-case basis and only with the agreement of the complainant. Talk to us on