Who we are

Worldwide Confederation
Oxfam is an international confederation of 19 organizations working together with partners and local communities in more than 90 countries.
Through our work, we aim to find practical, innovative ways which would help end poverty in the communities we work in.
Oxfam in the Horn, East, and Central Africa (HECA) region
For over 50 years, Oxfam has been working in the Horn, East, and Central Africa (HECA) region, focussing its programs in ten countries: Burundi, DR Congo, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, Somalia, Sudan, Tanzania, and Uganda. We have a strong network of country teams who deliver our work and augmented by regional and global capacity on fundraising, advocacy and learning advisory support.
From humanitarian response to our work on helping crisis-affected people rebuild their lives, we aim to support activities that will achieve change at scale at all levels. Raising the voices of the communities we work with is critical to influencing a sustainable shift in local, national, regional and global policies and practices of both state and private sectors.
However, we recognize that our region is changing fast.
Countries and citizens are becoming more connected and better organized.
Economies are growing and new investors are emerging.
Inequality is deepening and the poor especially women and youth are being excluded more.
At the same time, conflicts are becoming more diverse and climate change is making crises more severe and regular.
Against this backdrop, the role of international agencies and national civil societies is being challenged.
Our Vision
A transformed and stable Horn, East and Central Africa region, where people exercise their right to challenge power and have dignity and security to drive transformative change in their lived experiences.
Our Focus
- Radically tackling inequality in the region, founded on strong evidence and partnerships that will push power-holders to positive action.
- Leading programming and practice in transforming conflicts through deeper analysis of root causes and durable solutions.
- Deliberately pursuing transformative partnerships by supporting new, diverse and local agencies, movements and actors.
- Exploring and pioneering alternative operating and financing models that will strengthen how we organize and deliver our work.