Oxfam calls for peaceful political transition as people power dawns in a new day in Sudan

In response to the current transition of power in Sudan, Oxfam’s Country Director in Khartoum El Fateh Osman said:
‘What happened today in Sudan signifies a new political awakening where ordinary women and men have seen the power of their voice in bringing change. Citizens should seize this opportunity to meaningfully engage with their authorities and play their part in determining their country’s future.’
‘The proposed two-year transitional period will be crucial in finding peaceful solutions to resolve the political crisis. Whoever takes over leadership of the country should do everything in their power to prioritize the needs of the people over reigning political interests and prevent the situation from deteriorating further.’
‘While we recognize the military’s restraint in containing growing tensions over the last few days, we continue to urge all stakeholders to halt any action targeted against civilians and avoid further loss of innocent lives.’
(Nairobi) Faith Kasina | Regional Media Adviser| +254 (0) 736 666 663| faith.kasina@oxfam.org